3 Productive ways to Begin Work

Begin Work New

For most of us there is no difficult thing than to begin work from scratch. Trust me, the first step is always the hardest. Remember this proverb.  “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” by the Chinese philosopher Laozi.

1) Divide and Conquer

Before you begin, dividing the work into small parts will help. Like in a good video game, splitting our work into stages helps. Set an objective and time limit for the task to be completed and try to achieve it.  By dividing a large task to smaller ones, it will help us assess ourselves and look at the work as achievable rather than herculean. Rember that you can take breaks in between work. Just begin work, it will helps you calm down and relax before you focus on the work at hand

2) Minimalize

Do what is only essential. Focusing on the task at hand will help in beginning the work. The goal here is to start the work. Leave out what is not necessary. You should also remember that energy is a limited resource. So keep in mind not to get lost into unnecessary details because of which a lot of precious energy and time will be lost. Finding the shortest and simplest way to do a task, will make us productive by providing us with the calmness to get started. A lot of people today are bootstrapping to start their work, taking ques from the technology industry. I, recommend you do the same.

3) Adapt

Planning a work is important and so is adapting to the changes when required. If our plan to begin work does not go by the plan then we will have to adapt to what works. Find some inspiration from how people in the past have manged to do the task that you are facing. Use your resources, get help if you need to. Go! Get that little push from others if need be to begin work. Remember, we just have to start.

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