5 Actions to Support Your Team as A Leader

5 Actions to Support Your Team as A Leader

Leaders can support their team majorly by sharing their visions, facilitating cooperation, inspire learning, encouraging excellence and guiding their team to victory. People always look up to their leader to lead them, support them with these actions.

Share your Vision

People need a clear vision in a complex world. Create a north star that people can align to, that gets people excited about solving a problem. Without it, they spin and spin and spin. If people don’t know how their work is value adding, you lose engagement. By sharing your vision, soon your followers will start to dream. They will make it their own vision and work towards it together with you.

Guide with Guidelines

Have some guidelines so people have a place to start. Make them as basic as possible so everyone can understand clearly. Ensure from time to time that the set guidelines are followed and they meet the standards for improvement.

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It doesn’t matter if you change these guidelines tomorrow. It’s better to send out a revised set of guideline everyday rather than being silent for days while trying to write the perfect policy and ideal language. Guidelines should evolve in time to meet with necessary goals at a given time. For example, during a crisis, the guideline to follow could be entirely different than the normal time.

Facilitate Cooperation

There is a need for cooperation. Without it, people tend to stay inward looking and limited. Without a leader facilitating cooperation people struggle collaborating with each other. They tend to work as individuals missing opportunities. Facilitating cooperation is the best support a team can get from a leader. The connections and confidence gives people the energy to cross over into trusting others. They need to partner with experts in other areas.

During innovation sessions, for example, because one person’s silly or half-formed comment gives another person a great idea. cooperation helps prevent people from having to project authority or expertise every time they speak. With this unity comes better listening; more honest, authentic input; less defensiveness; and more collaboration based on respect for one’s peers’ opinions.

Learning from the Wisdom of the Crowd

Learning from the wisdom of the crowd helps people cross over the hurdle by exposing them to the wisdom of others who navigated the same path. Questioning and learning, especially from others who have developed wisdom from being in the same position, helps them in achieving their goals and missions more easily.

When using the power of crowd, they don’t need to do it on their own. Others are willing to always help. Thus nurturing a positive environment. This willingness for people to embrace outside thinking and ideas makes them more rational and helps in finding new talents and the next level of leaders as well.

Encourage Excellence

The key to excellence is to evolve! As a leader you have the option to evolve and excel or repeat who you where yesterday. When people truly are in a mindset of excellence and continuous improvement, we can learn something from every person we meet. Share talent and knowledge, and foster collaboration for greater outcomes. That’s good for personal growth. Leaders should encourage excellence, as they turn inwards for motivation and competition. Trying to make them better and evolve every day.

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