Using Von Restorff effect, a simple psychological hack will give a huge opportunity for your business. It is being used by many successful businesses and leaders to achieve their goals and communicate effectively and efficiently. A good implementation of Von Restorff Effect will change your business for good forever.
The Von Restorff effect named after the German psychiatrist, Hedwig von Restorff. Von Restorff effect can be simplified as, any entity that is notably different from the rest in terms of size, color, experience or anything attracts attention. Due to this fact, it also has the name the isolation effect.
Importance of Von Restorff Effect
The importance of Von Restorff Effect is more relevant today than in any other time in the past. The phenomenon of standing out or distinguishing oneself as being different is an advantage every marketer dreams for. Due to the rapidly decreasing attention span, the need to stand out from the crowd is very important for a business and brand.
Psychology behind Von Restorff Effect
The Psychology behind Von Restorff Effect is that difference attracts attention. Hence, the person focuses on the entity, which turns into a memory after a set exposure. So this effect provides many opportunities for businesses and brands to use in establishing a successful business or effectively communicate.
Top of Mind Recall
To easily understand how Von Restorff Effect can be implemented, try and remember all the words in the list.
Horse, Mobile, Trade, White, Windmill, Japan, Orange, Jean, Ship, Gear, Blue, Beer.
It needs some attention and effort for most people to remember every word on the list. Imagine all these to be businesses and one of it as your own. How will you make sure someone remembers your business now? The only way to make it happen is by standing out from the rest of the crowd. Now try remembering the line below.

Horse, Mobile, Trade, White, Windmill, Japan, Orange, Jean, Ship, Gear, Blue, Beer.
Now you’re sure to remember Japan, the second time. Due to the fact that the word Japan stands out because of different color and other characteristics. It might even be the first word that might have popped up in your head. This top of mind recall is where every business is trying to be. Hence, the isolation effect helps you achieve top of mind recall, by getting attention due the difference it showcased.
Where is Von Restorff Effect being used?
You can be creative in using this Effect. The complete idea of Von Restorff Effect is to get your product or idea to stand out from everyone else. Branding helps you successfully implement the effect to your product or service stand out.
Your product design or even your product by itself may even be different from that your competitors. This salience in your product will automatically implement the Von Restorff Effect depending on the value it creates or problems it solves. Isolation Effect is extensively used in Marketing, whether in ads to communicate a message to your target audience or product packaging to stand out among the number of other products on display.
The novelty value may fade in time but the innovations you make keeping in mind all the above is why Von Restorff Effect will change your business for good.