The Difference Between Trustworthy and Untrustworthy Leaders

The Difference Between Trustworthy and Untrustworthy Leaders

Trustworthy leaders listen to the voice of the people, the voices of those who are voiceless. Good leaders are always ready to listen and lead by example. They motive and inspire their followers for a greater good beyond themselves.

Here is the difference between trustworthy and untrustworthy leaders

Trustworthy Leaders

  • Communicate and act in a consistent manner
  • Protect the organization and employees
  • Embody the organization’s vision and values
  • Consult with and listen to key stakeholders
  • Communicate openly with others
  • Value employees
  • Offer support to employees and key stakeholders

Trustworthy Leaders are always willing to listen to you, they are easy to reach out to for guidance and advice. They don’t promise often, but when they do, they ensure to fulfill it. Even though they are not bound by any legal agreement or such. They stand by the words and values they stand for. They set an example to everyone by leading.

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A trustworthy leader takes responsibility for his and his teams mistakes or failures. He also ensures the team receives the full credit along with him for any success. In today’s ever changing, challenging landscape, trustworthy leaders build quality relationships based on trust and loyalty. They treat people they meet without any bias or discrimination. They focus and work towards the solution rather than avoiding the problem.

Trustworthy Leaders

Untrustworthy Leaders

  • Promote an unethical climate in the organization
  • Communicate dishonestly
  • Act in a self-serving manner
  • Behave in an inconsistent manner
  • Communicate in a guarded or inconsistent manner
  • Ignore the input of employees and key stakeholders
  • Treat employees as expendable

Untrustworthy leaders do not take responsibility of their own actions. They always look for a scapegoat when they smell trouble. Bad Leaders blame their team or someone else for their mistakes. They take all the credit for any success. Untrustworthy leaders conveniently forget to credit the team responsible for the success. They fail to lead the team by setting any example, rather they test the waters by using someone else. If the endeavor becomes successful they take the credit or if it fails, they blame the person for not executing or following his vision.

Learn More : How to Build a Loyal Following as a Leader?

The main difference between a trustworthy leader over and untrustworthy leader in the core is that, trustworthy leaders are committed to helping others and bring the best results possible.

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