What Is Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in The Workplace?

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in The Workplace

To get workplace diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace right, you need to understand and define them right! It is important to build a company culture where everyone feels valued and heard which benefits the business strongly.

What Is the Difference Between Diversity and Inclusion?

Diversity refers to the traits and characteristics that make people unique while inclusion refers to the behaviors and social norms that ensure people feel welcome. Diversity refers to how diverse your workforce is, covering a multitude of different characteristics. That includes race, culture, gender, sexuality, and experience. At its heart, it’s about welcoming different worldviews to your business.

Learn More : How to Create a Successful Company Culture?

Inclusion in the workplace is when all of your employees feel like they belong in your company. That means that they have the opportunity to voice their opinions, that they don’t feel excluded on the basis of their identity, and that they see themselves reflected in your company values.

Defining Equity in The Workplace

Equity refers to the policies you institute that support diversity and inclusion in your company. It’s about recognizing that each individual is unique, and accommodating their needs properly. By acknowledging the structural imbalances in your company, you’ll discover tangible, real-world solutions.

Equity-first businesses go through a consistent process of redressing the balance of opportunity. It’s a matter of recognizing that certain groups are subject to advantages, and vice versa — whether that’s gender pay gaps or biased onboarding practices and taking direct, sustained action.

What’s The Difference Between Equity Vs Equality in The Workplace?

Equity and equality may first appear like synonyms, but there are some essential differences.

Equality in the Workplace

Equality assumes that all employees are the same, and treats them as such. While this sounds inclusive, it’s actually incredibly open to bias, and ignores demographic-specific needs.

Equity in the Workplace

Equity recognizes that we are all different, and that’s what makes each one of us great. Rather than blanket policies, equity-led businesses consider individual needs, while also rebalancing structures to account for disadvantages faced by minority groups.

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A diverse workforce that includes a range of ages, ethnicities, religions and worldviews is very important for building a great business and company.

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