5 Rookie Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid as Leaders

5 Rookie Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid as Leaders

Leaders believe that they are on the right path, as well as leading others on it too. Sometimes leaders will come under questioning if we have made any mistakes or not responsible enough. Every good leader is always in the process of learning to lead. For starters, here is a list of some of the rookie mistakes you can easily avoid as leaders.

Positive, Positive Attitude, Respect, team, Team Building, team work, Togetherness

A stich in time, saves nine. Sweeping the problem under the carpet is never a good idea. It can only compound the problem much more. Always as leaders try to address the problem as quick as possible. Even if a solution can’t be found, acknowledge the problem and set a timeframe to find a solution.

Unavailable as Leader

It goes without saying, its much worse if we are failing to notice the problem itself. So, always be listening and be available to your team for any concerns or queries that they bring to you. As leaders, be open and available to your team. Shrugging your responsibility as a leader is never wise.  Always maintain a sense of connection by signaling that you are willing to be available.

Quit During a Crisis

As leaders, you don’t have to sink with the ship, but be the last one to get out of a sinking ship. As leader you are expected to lead during a need or crisis. Don’t be the leader who will walk away at the first sign of a problem.

Read More : The Difference Between Trustworthy and Untrustworthy Leaders

Even in adversity, your expected to lead by motivating and be encouraging towards the vision. In order to lead effectively, you must have a vision that will inspire your team, as well as goals that support and enhance team performance and values that reflects the core beliefs and reason for being.

Command with Trust Not Authority

Loyalty is earned never owned. If people are looking up to you for leadership and guidance, that is because they choose to. A leader should never command with authority just because he thinks he is entitled to be listened. Instead a good leader should choose to command with trust; which should be earned by the free will given to the people choosing to following him.

Command with Trust Not Authority

Not Valuing Your Followers

People follow you for a reason. They want to expand their strengths and opportunities while following you. If you don’t understand the value of the people recognizing you as a leader, you become a bad leader. When you prioritize you first, your failing as leader. Be it giving credit to yourself for all the success or blame others for any mistakes. Recognize the efforts and sacrifice of the people who choose to follow you.

Learn More : How to Build a Loyal Following as a Leader?

Having the ability to step into another person’s shoes, acknowledge the value of a different perspective, and show respect for others’ points of view can help a leader.

Managing Instead of Leading

People hate it when they are micro-managed. Leadership involves inspiring, encouraging and bringing out the very best in people by building a sense of trust and by challenging them to take positive risks. To be a leader and not just a manager, you need to focus on people and their emotions. You will be a better leader; when you focus on inspiring people and understand what they truly desire to achieve in terms of growth. This is a positive way of influencing, that fuels change and ultimately achievement in the people you lead.

Not Taking Hard Decisions

It is your duty to lead. Always work towards the morally right values even if the collective interest of all the people is otherwise. There’s always an easy way out. And it’s almost never the right choice. Leadership is full of tough decisions. There will be consequences to the decision you make as leader. Sometimes you can be wrong. Even though you and the people following you have to live with the consequence, accept the mistake. Own up! Take responsibility as a leader. As good leaders don’t fear the problem and take those hard decisions.

Do You Know Any Rookie Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid as Leaders? Please share your knowledge by commenting on them at Trdinoo for others to learn. Please subscribe and share us with your friends and networks.

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