Entrepreneurs whom I’ve been able to observe first-hand or otherwise, do most if not all of these relaxing activities as part of their lifestyle to be a better entrepreneur.
To be a better entrepreneur is not always about sharpening your business skills. These leisure, calm and relaxing lifestyle change can also make you a better entrepreneur. Often doing things remotely connected to our trade helps us clear our mind and relax. This refreshing experience has unexpected advantage of improving you at your trade. These 6 Relaxed Lifestyle Changes will help you to be a better entrepreneur.
1) Travel Often

There’s no question that “Travel make you a better person”. But, does it helps in making you a better entrepreneur?
Of course it does. Imagine the new people and new things you get to experience while you travel. This relaxing experience helps you observe a lot of new opportunities which you would not be able to spot otherwise. If you are more a people person imagine the number of friends and the network, it could grow into.
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Travel also helps you adapt to the situation. When in a foreign land trying to communicate your needs improves your communication. The improvisations on your plan and time management are valuable lessons you get to learn when you travel.
2) Cook for Others

Road to many people’s heart are through food. Managing with the ingredients you have at hand and trying to cook for others teaches you, how one can use the resources he has to make a product. When we cook for our loved ones and family, we know what taste each one likes. We take efforts to balance and yet satisfy everyone’s different tastes.
One thing cooking teaches me, that nothing else can teach is patience. In business or any life, patience is key to everything we do. Cooking simple teaches you that things happen at their own pace. There is no shortcut without sacrificing on the taste. You just simply have to wait and enjoy the process.
3) Read More

Tough it may sound like a cliché. I cannot emphasize on how important reading is. Almost all the entrepreneurs and other wise men and women have reading as an integral part of their lifestyle. Flipping through the pages or browsing through links, read more.
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There is no denying you gain knowledge. You also get to experience the new perspectives and view of others. It relaxes and decompresses your mind. A good read can inspire you in countless ways. Reading is one of the easiest lifestyle change you can do in your daily life anytime, anywhere.
4) Be Fit and Healthy

To be fit and healthy is more important than most people realize to be a better entrepreneur. Health and Fitness have a direct relationship on our body and mind. Do anything that keeps you fit. Get out and go for a jog, cycle, surf or anything that keep you active and relax as well.
Fitness is more about determination and habit. It keeps you disciplined in the things you do. Like any business, the goals of fitness are for the long term. Challenging and pushing yourself through the initial pain and improving yourself in time is one lifestyle change that takes of stress and teaches you to be a better entrepreneur.
5) Have a Hobby

Choose a hobby. You are spoilt for choice. Any new hobby you pick up may teach you a new trade. Hobbies simple as growing bonsai to technically challenging HAM radio operations can offer a lot to learn about yourself.
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Hobbies can also be a great opportunity for you to meet and network with people from other walks of life. It makes you confident that, there is a another trade that you can follow if your heart desires. The skills needed to learn, master and excel at any given hobby is a perfect lifestyle change that will make you better.
6) Meditate to Be a Better Entrepreneur

The nature of meditation is to improve mental health. A better mind can focus and stay motivated for a long term. The increase in energy level keeps you relaxed and focused. The calming effect mediation brings doesn’t just makes you a better entrepreneur but a better person too.
Wising you the best.
If you have any other ideas on relaxed lifestyle changes to be a better entrepreneur? Share them with Trdinoo for others to learn in the comments.