Pomodoro technique makes 100% sense in today’s attention divided world. Being productive is one of the hardest things for us to implement these days. I try to be productive through various time management methods, one simple technique is by using the Pomodoro Technique (Trust me! the technique is much simpler. Pomodoro is just an Italian […]
Author: Dheerthan Gajapathy
How to Reduce Lead Time by Stock Categorization On Products?

Reducing the lead time by doing stock categorization improves overall productivity, resulting in higher revenues and profits. The Lead Time is the amount of time taken for a particular Stock Item to reach the warehouses from the date of ordering. Longer lead times often result in inefficiencies and wastage of resources. Businesses should review their […]
How to Seamlessly Return to Work After a Vacation?

To seamlessly return to work after a vacation is the goal for anyone going on holiday. If you plan on taking time off work; consider the best practices to ensure a productive and effortless return from vacation. From Trdinoo, we share how to get back to work after a vacation, including few tips to prepare […]
5 Steps to Skyrocket Your Sales with Inventory Management

Want to Skyrocket Your Sales? Use Inventory Management! In sales, success hinges on keeping the right products on hand and in the right amount. This minimizes the cost of carrying excess stock, and helps you avoid costly and embarrassing out-of-stock scenarios. Inventory management is the process of ordering, storing and using your inventory, including receiving, […]
7 Basic Types of Inventory Costs and Examples

In Inventory costs, ordering, holding, carrying, shortage and spoilage costs make up some of the basic types of inventory-related costs we often forget. These groupings broadly separate the many different inventory costs that exist, and below we will identify and describe some examples of the different types of cost in each category.
What Is Inventory Costing and 4 Inventory Costing Methods?

Inventory costing, also called inventory cost accounting, is when companies assign costs to products they have in inventory. These costs also include incidental fees such as storage, administration and market fluctuation.
5 Simple Steps to Manage Inventory Effectively

To Manage Inventory Effectively, identify and respond to trends to ensure there’s always enough stock to fulfill customer orders and proper warning of a shortage. It also prevents product and production shortages. Prevent excess stock and too many raw materials and much more.
18 Basic Types of Inventory Management Used in Business

Various types of inventory management are used in business to ensure goods are on hand to meet customer demand. Inventory management is the function of understanding the stock mix of a company and the different demands on that stock.
What Every Business Should Learn about Inventory Management

Inventory management helps business identify which and how much stock to order at what time. It tracks inventory from purchase to the sale of goods. The practice identifies and responds to trends to ensure there’s always enough stock to fulfill customer orders and proper warning of a shortage.
7 Ways Branding Improves Customer Relationship

Branding is one of the most important customer relationship activities your business improves on. Building a strong, recognizable brand will help you connect with your existing customers; sell to new ones; and encourage loyalty and recognition.