Pomodoro technique makes 100% sense in today’s attention divided world. Being productive is one of the hardest things for us to implement these days. I try to be productive through various time management methods, one simple technique is by using the Pomodoro Technique (Trust me! the technique is much simpler. Pomodoro is just an Italian […]
What Are Distinct Characteristics of Business Services?

Business Services are essentially intangible activities which are separately identifiable and provide satisfaction of wants. Their purchase does not result in the ownership of anything physical. Services involve an interaction to be realized between the service provider and the consumer.
What are the Core Concept and Characteristics of a Business?

Learn about the Concept and Characteristics of Business; You will understand we have been amidst businesses for as long as we can remember. It is absolutely not an overstatement to say that everything that surrounds you is business. From your computer screen to the chair you sit on, everything is a chain of business.