As leaders, encourage positive collaboration situations that involve having to get along with groups full of wildly different personality types and approaches to problem-solving. Like it or not, these are the people you spend most of your time with. So it’s essential to learn how to get along with each other to Encourage positive collaborations.
3 Most Important Ways to Create a Brand Identity

The process of building a brand name, also referred to as branding, for a product or service starts with creating a brand identity. There are three simple steps to building a brand identity; choosing a name, developing a slogan, and designing a logo or symbol. The challenge lies in finding just the right name, slogan, […]
4 Emotional Ways Employees Need Support in Uncertain Times from Businesses

There are universal needs that employees look for in a business during uncertain times . More than ever, employees are looking for emotional support from businesses. For things that are familiar, reliable and consistent. Businesses should be doing more to assure and motivate their employees.