Do you know? Colors can influence and drive up your sales! Whether we realize it or not, colors play an important role in both the conscious and subconscious decision to purchase a product. This is because colors have the ability to make us feel a certain way and in turn, can trigger us to buy […]
What Are the Classification of Business and Its Activities?

All business ultimately are a classification of one or both of two categories. These are industry and commerce. Industry relates to the creation of goods and services. Commerce relates to the act of trading goods and services.
3 Basic Types of Business Activities

Business Activities is any activity related to the purpose of making a profit. It is often divided into operating activities, investing activities and financing activities. Of these! The operating activities tend to be considered the most important as they have the most direct impact on a company’s performance.
4 Core Reasons to Apply and Get Business Loans

Business loans can be availed for a variety of reasons. You can apply for different types of business loans for various reasons like to purchase infrastructure for expanding operations; to increase production via the purchase of new and advanced machinery; Also to purchase and store inventory in advance of seasonal sales; to build a workforce […]
7 Basic Characteristics of Business We Should Always Remember

Characteristics of Business refers to activity in which a business regularly trades with an objective of earning profit. The activity may consist of production or purchase of goods for sale; or exchange of goods or supply of services to satisfy the needs of other people in the society.
What are Features and Objectives of a Business?

Business is an economic activity of production and distribution of goods and services. It is an economic activity corned with creation of utilities for the satisfaction of human wants. It provides a source of income to the society. Business results into generation of employment opportunities thereby leading to growth of the economy. It brings about […]
Entrepreneurs Guide to Buying a Vehicle for Business

It’s common for entrepreneurs to buy vehicles for business purposes. Business vehicle purchases can expand & improve businesses, get you tax write-off and many other benefits. This is a must read guide for buying a vehicle like car, truck, RV or van for your business.