In a wartime crisis a responsible business must manage to be more than business. Even if your business is not in the geopolitical regions of the war zone, you should definitely read this. Because, there is a high chance your business will be affected by the crisis.
5 Rookie Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid as Leaders

Leaders believe that they are on the right path, as well as leading others on it too. Sometimes leaders will come under questioning if we have made any mistakes or not responsible enough. Every good leader is always in the process of learning to lead. For starters, here is a list of some of the […]
10 Ways to Reduce Branding Mistakes in Business

To Reduce Branding Mistakes in Business, it takes a lot of thoughtful, meticulous work to create a brand that stands out and tells the story of your business. The work of branding is constant through social media, newsletters, emails, websites, and other methods of communication with your consumers. Branding is never a done job.
6 Stages in The Incident Response Plan for Business Events

Why A Business Needs an Incident Response Plan? Having an incident response plan, will help a business in managing the company well during a problem or crisis; with the anticipation of a well-planned solutions. Having an incident response plan before hand by anticipating the potential problems will help a business be proactive; in running the […]
How to Prepare an Incident Response Plan in Business?

An incident response plan is a general plan for dealing with any number of crises that could negatively impact your business. Your incident response plan should describe the types of incidents or crisis situations in which it will need to be used.
What to Do in Face of Financial Crisis as Entrepreneurs?

First understand a financial crisis is time-related and this too shall pass. Entrepreneurs or not, anyone can lose morale during uncertain economic times. Here is what to do in face of financial crisis as entrepreneurs.