Pomodoro technique makes 100% sense in today’s attention divided world. Being productive is one of the hardest things for us to implement these days. I try to be productive through various time management methods, one simple technique is by using the Pomodoro Technique (Trust me! the technique is much simpler. Pomodoro is just an Italian […]
How to Measure and Improve Brand Image?

It is a perpetual work to measure and improve brand image. Strong branding generally means there is a positive impression of the company amongst consumers. Further, they are likely to do business with you because of the familiarity and assumed dependability of using a name they can trust. Find out, how to measure and improve brand […]
10 Ways to Reduce Branding Mistakes in Business

To Reduce Branding Mistakes in Business, it takes a lot of thoughtful, meticulous work to create a brand that stands out and tells the story of your business. The work of branding is constant through social media, newsletters, emails, websites, and other methods of communication with your consumers. Branding is never a done job.
How to Use Colors to Influence and Drive Up Sales?

Do you know? Colors can influence and drive up your sales! Whether we realize it or not, colors play an important role in both the conscious and subconscious decision to purchase a product. This is because colors have the ability to make us feel a certain way and in turn, can trigger us to buy […]
3 Most Important Ways to Create a Brand Identity

The process of building a brand name, also referred to as branding, for a product or service starts with creating a brand identity. There are three simple steps to building a brand identity; choosing a name, developing a slogan, and designing a logo or symbol. The challenge lies in finding just the right name, slogan, […]
What Is Brand & Brand Identity and Why Is It So Important for Business?

As a consumer, some brand identity and brand names might be familiar to you, your family, and your friends. But brand names just don’t materialize overnight. It takes time and a quality product or service to build brand name, and that includes a brand identity.
The Ultimate Guide to Protecting your Intellectual Property

Protecting your Intellectual Property (IP) is designed to prevent anyone else from taking your idea or creation and profiting from it, unless they obtain your permission. Intellectual property rights are the rights you have to anything you create as a result of your original ideas. If your ideas and creations have economic value, you will […]
What Is Intellectual Property (IP) And Types of Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property (IP) represents the property or creations of your mind or intellect. If you develop a new product, service, process or idea it belongs to you and is considered your IP. You must formally register your IP to ensure legal ownership.
How to Stay Inspired When You Work from Home

When you first started work from home, you probably felt great. There were no distractions from coworkers, and your productivity skyrocketed. But if you’re like most remote workers, the dynamics probably changed over time.
How to Reorganize Your Home Office for Greater Productivity?

Whether you’ve been toying with the idea of working from home or have been well on your way to making the leap into entrepreneurship, having a home office helps you to be on top of your game anytime.