A natural disaster can cripple a business for days, months or years, that is if it survives the wrath of mother nature. Trdinoo shares with you, how to manage security planning in case of a natural disaster for your business to survive.
how to
How to Ensure Financial Independence as Entrepreneur

Potentially every person should dream about the financial independence that they can achieve. Especially entrepreneurs who won’t just have to stop at being financially independent but also rich and wealthy.
8 Genius ways to Make the most of your Travelling ✈

Those of us who love to travel, enjoy the encounter of the unfamiliar whether if we travel for business or pleasure. We feel, see, touch, smell, taste, and travel more curiously. Our minds are on high alert, noticing and processing everything.
9 Roles Entrepreneurs Must Juggle to Successfully Manage a Business

As an Entrepreneur can you just do one role and stick with it? The answer is that you can’t. If you successfully want to manage your own business, odds are you must juggle different roles; After all, an Entrepreneur is jack of all trades.
3 Important Principles Every Timeless Business is Built Upon

These are the 3 very important principles that makes every timeless business become classic companies that stand the test of time and serve generation after generation successfully.
Bootstrapping Vs. Equity Funding: Which Financing Will Help You Start a Business?

In any business, you often have to spend money to make money. By bootstrapping one can spend his own money or sell a part of his equity through equity funding to raise capital and start a business.
How Leaders Use Personal Branding for Success?

Personal branding to you might seem like a not so important thing to care. Yet, it is critical for your success if you take a reality check as an entrepreneur, celebrity, politician, job seeker or even as a person who uses social media.
13 Awesome Attitude Changes To Be A Successful Person

Change your attitude and you will change your experience. Attitudes begin to develop in childhood and constantly evolve and change over the years through day to day interactions and experiences. So, make these 13 awesome attitude changes to be a successful person.
Top 5 Critical Mistakes That Jeopardize Entrepreneurs

Starting a business can fuel an entrepreneur’s success, but it can also drive you to failure and financial ruin if you don’t take the time to think decisions through. That is why entrepreneurs, businesses and startups need to step up their game by not making these critical mistakes.
How to Create a Successful Company Culture?

Successful company culture is what inspires people to fall in love with your company for the values you follow to achieve your dream. Be it creating loyal customers or attracting new talents or encourage employees to work towards your company’s goals in singularity all happen because of a good company culture.