The chances of loss in the business or investment activities is always high. Businesses and investors invest huge capital in their activities to sustain and extract profit from the activities. At times the loss of a major investment, customer, supplier, or income source is more easily compensated form future profits. So, here’s how to deal […]
5 Reasons Why Lenders Reject Your Business Loan Application

Lenders generally look at very matter-of-fact figures when analyzing whether to approve or reject a business loan application. Always make sure to choose lenders who operate within the legal limits likes banks and approved financial institutions.
8 Questions to Answer Before Taking a Business Loan

Taking a business loan is a challenging task. Hence, preparing on your part by answering a few questions before taking a business loan is important! Also, it can go a long way in successfully running your business. Below are the questions you should ask yourself before taking a business loan or will be asked by […]
When It Comes to Travel Booking, How to Save Money?

Travel Booking flights, rental cars and hotels can add up quickly, but with a few simple tips you can save big when booking your next vacation. We asked a few travel experts how to travel luxuriously on the cheap. Learn how to cut the cost of booking travel, from flights to hotels to car rentals.
How to Borrow Money from P2P Lending Platforms?

The way we borrow money and the way we invest money is changing. Peer-to-peer a.k.a P2P lending continues to grow in popularity and is becoming a much more viable option for people who need money and also for people who want to invest their money.
Use This Simple Strategy to Invest Wisely

Money lying idle can lead to its erosion due to inflation so it is a wise decision to seek avenues for investing this money gainfully. It is however important to remember that a certain amount of know-how to invest wisely and discipline is necessary to make money grow.
How to Handle Money Matters with Your Business Partners?

Money matters play a much larger role between business partners than you may think. How your partner decides to spend, save and invest the company’s money could have a considerable impact on your finances too. So, if you and your partner disagree on money matters or don’t often see eye-to-eye, here’s what you can do […]
How to Ensure Financial Independence as Entrepreneur

Potentially every person should dream about the financial independence that they can achieve. Especially entrepreneurs who won’t just have to stop at being financially independent but also rich and wealthy.