As a leader you will realize you have multiple roles to manage and each type of leadership role serves in a specific capacity to add value. These roles a leader takes upon are meant to influence, mediate and inspire people towards the dream and greater good. So, here are some of the multiple roles a […]
7 Tips to Motivate Employees During the Lockdown Crisis

As an entrepreneur you need to engage and motivate employees and team members to show your passion and commitment to do everything in your power to help the business. When the team sees your dedication they’ll be much more likely to be energized and get inspired.
How to Accelerate Your Business as First Time Entrepreneur?

Starting your own business as first time entrepreneur can be a stressful, complicated, and yet rewarding endeavor. However, if you don’t have much experience starting and growing a business, you surely have more questions than answers.
4 Golden Strategies to Motivate your Workforce

In any business, building a loyal workforce is crucial to the long-term success of a business. One way to do this is by ensuring your staff are passionate and motivated. You should communicate with your team frequently, review their progress and identify the steps you could take as a business to help your teams feel […]
Start Your Own Business Fearlessly Today

Don’t let starting your own business from scratch and building it into a success story scare you. The move to entrepreneurship can be overwhelming especially if you’re starting a business for the first time. Yet, you need to start somewhere.