Business facing lawsuit, in all its forms, can have a negative effect on the business and its bottom line. Contract disputes and accusations of fraud can force a company to put business on hold. If you do go to trial, costs can jump considerably as trial is typically the most time-consuming part of a case. Publicized disputes can even tarnish a business’s reputation.
Record Keeping
10 Best Practices to Manage Your Remote Team

Working remotely comes with significant advantages and disadvantages but when managed effectively, it can be a formula for success. Many companies are already shifting to such a team structure. All you need is the right process, a positive attitude, and most importantly, mutual trust between team members to get work done.
7 Benefits of Record Keeping for Business

While there are many benefits to record keeping for business, especially in the long run. Creating and maintaining business records is essential to help analyze a business’s profitability, performance, maintain positive customer relationships and more.