5 Ways to Grow Your Business Locally

5 Ways to Grow Your Business Locally

If you’re planning to grow your business locally, there are more tools available than ever to help you. Learn how you can market to a local audience, using online services as well as traditional marketing techniques to attract local customers.  Appealing to local customers is easier than ever. It’s not just about flyers and local ads. Nowadays, technology can also be used to market at city or even postcode level.

Define Your Local Geographic Location

Geographic segmentation divides markets according to geographic criteria. It’s just easier to market within a defined geography. As a business, it’s easier to customize the variable and descriptors for local conditions and customers living there.

Local geographic location will remain a major factor in segmenting your target markets since your customers are located in particular areas. Or, if you own a retail store, geographic location of the store is one of the most important considerations.

Get Listed in Local Directories

The internet is an increasingly powerful local marketing tool. As a first step, you can get listed with various search engines. Therefore, customers searching in your locality even on maps find your contact details. Both offline and online consumers are greatly in favor of hyper-localized marketing. So, now’s the time to make it work for your brand to grow business locally. Find the local directories your customers use, online as well as offline like newspaper, magazine publications for information and get listed.

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If you want more face time with a local audience who may not otherwise know your brand’s name, you can target local publications. The first thing to do is find local publications that align with your business model. Then see if they’re looking for ad placements, guest writers, business listings. Or, even if they’d like to do a write-up about your company or service.

Define Your Local Geographic Location

Engage with The Locals On Social Networks

It’s very easy nowadays to connect with people on social media based on their physical location. You can show your audience your local flavor by adding location-specific information to social media. Even if you can’t publish the contact info for each area you want to target, you can use hyper-local keywords in your hashtags, blogs, and posts.

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Another easy step to ensure local customers find you online is to optimize your website for local searches. At its most basic, this means including your operating area in the keywords of all pages and page title fields. In addition try adding as many relevant backlinks (links from other local websites) as possible.

Traditional Marketing for Local Businesses

Face-to-face networking can be an extremely effective way of building local custom, particularly for business-to-business customers. If someone has met you, they are much more likely to want to use your firm or refer you. Networking can also help you develop marketing partnerships with local, complementary businesses.

Other traditional marketing techniques you could use to attract local custom include targeted leaflet drops, press releases to local media and local sponsorship.

Use Micro Influencers to Market Business Locally

Get local testimonials. If you’ve worked with clients or served customers in the local geographic area you’re looking to target; a testimonial or review from them could go a long way. Many customers rely heavily on online reviews as a source for evaluating the quality of local businesses. So, if you can find well known locals or micro influencers to review your business. You will definitely attract more local customers and grow your business locally.

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